Interaction Design Product Sketch

Enable IT Human Interaction Design Project

The goal of the project was to utilize technology to control and reduce abnormal behaviors and enhance the performance of an autistic child.


User Center Design Analysis

The goal of the project was to redesign Iowa State University’s HCI web site, that is strong in quality and data-driven content.

Activity Center Design - Pairsmap

The objective of the project was to redesign to add social features and clean up the layout.



Activity Center Design - Pairsmap

Created arCraigslist application to minimize direct user interaction (touch, type, pan) when searching for Craigslist products and services on mobile devices. And maximize the user experience by displaying the products and services directly on top of the users’ mobile camera view by utilizing the built-in GPS.

Software used during the research and experiment stage was xCode, Omnigraffle, MySQL/Sequel Pro, Wikitude, Layar, and Google docs/diagram. Software used during the development stage was Adobe Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Layar, and BuildAR.

Hardware used during the research stage was Samsung Galaxy, iPhone, and MacBook Air. Hardware used during the development stage was MacBook Air and iPhone.